Hajar, Lille

Student in Lille, Hajar is from Morocco. We got in touch through Facebook and quickly enough we met for a first shooting.

A very sunny summer day, in the middle of August, the sunlight was bright and warm. It was summer, the photos speak by themselves:

I was very surprised how quickly she started to play along with the shooting. At the same time very confident and spontaneous, this was a really cool collaboration.

The old city of Lille has plenty textures, colors and inspiring shooting spots. With Hajar's natural beauty and look, it was a pleasure to shutter.

We eventually walked until the Pont Napoléon.

I really liked the way she fit so well into fashion photography. Simple but elegant dress, all we needed is to find a decent spot to take these fashion shots:

During the shooting, we were thrilled by the city walls and got the inspiring idea of doing some portraiture in front of old-school red bricks. Then she remembered that one of her former apartment wall was red bricks made.

We decided to head there for the final set of the shooting:

Thank you for the collaboration, Hajar. I definitely look forward being your photographer again, any time.